Quiverrrrr. I almost fainted like obesity just struck me when my pupils first met this product of creative genius. Margiela who? I can't recall how I stumbled across New High Mart, but thank goodness for the accessibility perk of blogging.
I was perusing a little shop in one of the resorts here, and I kind of fell in love with this ring that was made entirely out of sandy-colored beads except I couldn't purchase it because my wallet wasn't on me at the time. It's funny because I have THE WORST MEMORY ever, but any material obsessions I have seem to allow me perfect memory. Anyway, doesn't it remind you of one of those rad sea creatures in Nemo?

Oh and RIP to my faux-tortoise shell bracelet that was the single recurring accessory I've managed to integrate into the majority of my outfits since the beginning of citruscoffee. My left wrist's cohort snapped into two pieces as I was trying to pull it off before attacking some Chinese food. I was thinking of writing an obituary and everything until I realized that my insanity would be validated if I chose to do so.
When I first saw the specs image I thought "is that a pair of lips?" how deliciously obscene HAHA
the beaded ring is rad okay! you got me beady eyed already...(oh my pathetic attempt to make puns)
oh, and RIP to your bracelet.. I cant seem to recall it.. show me the images!
oh my lord, so much to love
i love love that ring,darn dont you hate it when you are lacking funds you see the most gorgeous things but when you have it,those beautiful things are not there anymore!
those sunnies are beauty,reminds me of cyclops from XMEN
RIP bracelet,you memory will carry on
wow. nice ring! I have to often look on you blog, beacouse it fantastic ! greetings ;)
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