So it's 5.26 AM, about two hours before I'm supposed to wake up--stupid melatonin. On four hours of sleep, here's my schedule for the day:
8:30AM-10AM > Grocery run
11AM-2PM > Friends nursing graduation
3:20PM > Interview
4PM-9PM > Work
Am I bitching, or DO YA FEEL ME? Haha. I swear you guys, the fashion bug refuses to bite me because I have no urge to review the couture collections. I guess I've just been focused on other more life-changing situations rather than worrying about how many sequins it takes to construct a Dior gown. But worry not; I'm sure I'll return to my irrevocable fashion obsessions in no time.
Anyweezie, I was compelled by some intangible force Wednesday night to stud something, anything actually. Finally after considering my materials, I unzipped and my virginity was siezed by a stud, pun intended. I have read a couple of YOUR posts about how impossible it is to stud in perfect lines, and honestly my reaction was "these suckers are just lazy and impatient!" Haha I give you a pass to underestimate me. I seriously sat on my bed forever, dumbfounded by this perceivably easy task as my first row was haphazard. Then after an hour or so, I finished and so became the cross on my left bosom, an explicit ode to Hester Prynne. Haha okay I'll stop.

FAWK you girl.