...make everything nice.
*I was too lazy to divide the content into two posts, so I conveniently shoved everything into a vertical catastrophe.

Hiya folks! How was everybody's holiday? Good, I assume. Mine was .... conventional. Ha! So my family and I all got ready for Christmas Eve Vigil only to drive to the church and find out that we were four hours early, yet we could have made the Spanish mass. Wtf? We drove back home, my mom cooked a lobster and steak dinner, and after she let us open one present each, we said to hell with it and she permitted us to massacre the perfectly-wrapped gifts under the tree. Shortly thereafter, we dressed once more and headed to the service, which might I add, was BEAUTIFUL. The soloist in the choir indeed had the voice of an angel, and altogether the choir sang in perfect harmony. Also, it didn't hurt that our priest has an insanely hypnotizing set of chords.
Attendance to a duo-set of parties ensued Christmas day, and we capped the night off with a movie. Exciting, eh? Bitch mode. So I wanted to address very briefly the legions of sartorialists out there who so happen to disagree with Beyonce's fashion choices as of late. Obviously, you are completely entitled to your opinions especially if I ask you what you think, but it seems like the basis of some of your 'arguments' derive from this ludicrous idea that Beyonce is simply 'too big' to dare wear designers such as Alexander McQueen, Balenciaga, and most recently Gareth Pugh; an idea probably generated by a group of 90 lb. kate moss-wannabes. Sure, it's so nice and humbling to read editors support thehealthierheavier side of the weight wars in the industry, but philanthropy isn't at the top of your list when you criticize an artist's fashion choices. I'll stop here before my mouth combusts with a slurry of combative viscosity, but just remember this, the fatass you call Beyonce is and will continue to be wearing things you will never even be able to touch in your ENTIRE lifetime. So, go ahead and slip on that $30 H&M frock you think looks great on you; just know that Sasha Fierce can rock a dress that probably costs more than your parents' mortgage.
Cue Miranda Priestly:

"And Emily......"
Otherwise, for you B fans, due to an unsuccessful cyber hunt for onset photos, here's some horrible screen clippings from a YouTube video of B in Gareth Pugh like I promised.

The only two remote looks I came across were these, so I assume the armor can morph into different collars. Yes? No? Correct me if I'm wrong.

A second look:

I couldn't seem to find the runway look, but heller it's obviously Gareth Pugh SS09. Also, thanks to the lovely Mariane of Merkovsky for identifying the sequins dress to be vintage Thierry Mugler! Lastly, I am aching to find a shop that still sells this bad boy.

I swear I would forego a month's payment for my car just to own a pair. I beg of you, professional online/tangible shoppers, inform me of a single place that has a dusty pair beckoning to deplete my bank account. I BEG OF YOU! Okay, that's enough.
Sources: [ Style, tfs ]
*I was too lazy to divide the content into two posts, so I conveniently shoved everything into a vertical catastrophe.

Hiya folks! How was everybody's holiday? Good, I assume. Mine was .... conventional. Ha! So my family and I all got ready for Christmas Eve Vigil only to drive to the church and find out that we were four hours early, yet we could have made the Spanish mass. Wtf? We drove back home, my mom cooked a lobster and steak dinner, and after she let us open one present each, we said to hell with it and she permitted us to massacre the perfectly-wrapped gifts under the tree. Shortly thereafter, we dressed once more and headed to the service, which might I add, was BEAUTIFUL. The soloist in the choir indeed had the voice of an angel, and altogether the choir sang in perfect harmony. Also, it didn't hurt that our priest has an insanely hypnotizing set of chords.
Attendance to a duo-set of parties ensued Christmas day, and we capped the night off with a movie. Exciting, eh? Bitch mode. So I wanted to address very briefly the legions of sartorialists out there who so happen to disagree with Beyonce's fashion choices as of late. Obviously, you are completely entitled to your opinions especially if I ask you what you think, but it seems like the basis of some of your 'arguments' derive from this ludicrous idea that Beyonce is simply 'too big' to dare wear designers such as Alexander McQueen, Balenciaga, and most recently Gareth Pugh; an idea probably generated by a group of 90 lb. kate moss-wannabes. Sure, it's so nice and humbling to read editors support the
Cue Miranda Priestly:

"And Emily......"
Otherwise, for you B fans, due to an unsuccessful cyber hunt for onset photos, here's some horrible screen clippings from a YouTube video of B in Gareth Pugh like I promised.

The only two remote looks I came across were these, so I assume the armor can morph into different collars. Yes? No? Correct me if I'm wrong.

A second look:

I couldn't seem to find the runway look, but heller it's obviously Gareth Pugh SS09. Also, thanks to the lovely Mariane of Merkovsky for identifying the sequins dress to be vintage Thierry Mugler! Lastly, I am aching to find a shop that still sells this bad boy.

I swear I would forego a month's payment for my car just to own a pair. I beg of you, professional online/tangible shoppers, inform me of a single place that has a dusty pair beckoning to deplete my bank account. I BEG OF YOU! Okay, that's enough.
Sources: [ Style, tfs ]