It seems as if humanity refuses me integration into this world. I thought my rantings on exceptionally rude people were over, but that appears to be untrue.
Yesterday my mom and I were out shopping for things for my dad, and our first stop was our post's exchange. For you non-military folk out there, an exchange is basically our puny version for the civilian Wal*Mart. Anyway, as my mom and I were scanning through shelves of mounted portable DVD players, some woman thinks it's okay to walk up perfectly to my right side, her arms brushed up against mine, proceeds to reach her left hand carelessly to a tag on the shelf which is directly in front of me while my face is behind her elbow. At this point I'm thinking she's about to get tackled any minute now, but I forfeit these thoughts as I probably would have caused my mom distress. She continues to stand at this uncomfortable distance beside me, and I sure as hell do as well. My mom is to my left and obviously notices this, she slightly tugs my cardigan motioning me to move out of the way, to which I responded very loudly, "What? I'm looking too." The damn woman continues to stand there like a negligent jezebel and my mom advances her motions to rid me of this situation as she grabs my arm to whisk me away. In my first steps to start walking, I turned around to the lady and intended for my mom, "You know, SHE could say excuse me." Ugh people these days.
And because I am obviously a target for being incessantly accosted, an interaction at my doorstep didn't go so well. I answered the door to an aggressive knock followed seconds after by four doorbell rings. There stood an old man with a very stern look on his face and a clipboard in his hand. From my recollections, here's how the conversation went:
Me: "Hello, sir."
Homeboy: "Hi are your parents home?"
Me: "My mom is."
Homeboy: "Okay can you get her?"
I adjust to close the door and then stop. He looks up as if I was lacking in chromosomes.
Me: "Sorry, what's your name?"
Homeboy: "Joe."
Me: "From where?"
Homeboy: Sarcastically, "Not from anywhere."
So at his last words I swing the door shut in his face, stomp to the foot of the stairs, and yell out to my mom that there is a rude man named Joe downstairs who would like to speak to her. Okay, I know it sounds like I'm being melodramatic in all of this, but I guess all I can say is the picture is more vivid and legitimate in person. I'm not being unreasonably frivolous. I'm not acting like there is someone out to get me. And I will not succumb to any deficit of kindness. This generation of humanity perpetuates a devalue in character by the lack of congeniality between people within social interactions. I mean, why is it so wrong for complete strangers to be genuine and cordial? Tell me because I am otherwise convinced that my future is doomed.
In other news, I found this at The Selby, and he/she is currently melting my heart.

Yesterday my mom and I were out shopping for things for my dad, and our first stop was our post's exchange. For you non-military folk out there, an exchange is basically our puny version for the civilian Wal*Mart. Anyway, as my mom and I were scanning through shelves of mounted portable DVD players, some woman thinks it's okay to walk up perfectly to my right side, her arms brushed up against mine, proceeds to reach her left hand carelessly to a tag on the shelf which is directly in front of me while my face is behind her elbow. At this point I'm thinking she's about to get tackled any minute now, but I forfeit these thoughts as I probably would have caused my mom distress. She continues to stand at this uncomfortable distance beside me, and I sure as hell do as well. My mom is to my left and obviously notices this, she slightly tugs my cardigan motioning me to move out of the way, to which I responded very loudly, "What? I'm looking too." The damn woman continues to stand there like a negligent jezebel and my mom advances her motions to rid me of this situation as she grabs my arm to whisk me away. In my first steps to start walking, I turned around to the lady and intended for my mom, "You know, SHE could say excuse me." Ugh people these days.
And because I am obviously a target for being incessantly accosted, an interaction at my doorstep didn't go so well. I answered the door to an aggressive knock followed seconds after by four doorbell rings. There stood an old man with a very stern look on his face and a clipboard in his hand. From my recollections, here's how the conversation went:
Me: "Hello, sir."
Homeboy: "Hi are your parents home?"
Me: "My mom is."
Homeboy: "Okay can you get her?"
I adjust to close the door and then stop. He looks up as if I was lacking in chromosomes.
Me: "Sorry, what's your name?"
Homeboy: "Joe."
Me: "From where?"
Homeboy: Sarcastically, "Not from anywhere."
So at his last words I swing the door shut in his face, stomp to the foot of the stairs, and yell out to my mom that there is a rude man named Joe downstairs who would like to speak to her. Okay, I know it sounds like I'm being melodramatic in all of this, but I guess all I can say is the picture is more vivid and legitimate in person. I'm not being unreasonably frivolous. I'm not acting like there is someone out to get me. And I will not succumb to any deficit of kindness. This generation of humanity perpetuates a devalue in character by the lack of congeniality between people within social interactions. I mean, why is it so wrong for complete strangers to be genuine and cordial? Tell me because I am otherwise convinced that my future is doomed.
In other news, I found this at The Selby, and he/she is currently melting my heart.

Ohhhh no that lady did not do that to you! I feel you. you arent being dramatic about it, im aware of these type of ppl too. wen im out theres always somebody rude as hell, esp im always pushing a stroller or i have my kid around so they think im just somebody to be rude to cos i look like a loser with no future to them!
screw them. they prolly dress ugly thats why they throw such continuous negativity. hahaha i just love your rantings though!
Ohhhh no that lady did not do that to you! I feel you. you arent being dramatic about it, im aware of these type of ppl too. wen im out theres always somebody rude as hell, esp im always pushing a stroller or i have my kid around so they think im just somebody to be rude to cos i look like a loser with no future to them!
screw them. they prolly dress ugly thats why they throw such continuous negativity. hahaha i just love your rantings though!
I love the stories, firstyly because people think they can actually be that rude and secondly because you responded how I would have. Job well done me thinks!
btw loooooooooooove the dog.
ppssh people!
haha people are so annoying! but that doggie is so perfect it hurts :)
Aww Jeyq some people are just miserable assholes..chin up!!
what a biotch. but the doggie is divine <3
I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN! people these days. I answer the phone and it sfor my little cousin and she's not home so I'm like who's calling and they're like a friend, im like which friend and they continue to tell me that theyre just a friend. and I'm like i need to know who it is so she can call you back and they're like are you sure she's not home? OMG seriously I know when a fmaily member isn't home AFNoNEI:g. anyways hopefully less people will be rude to you in the coming days :)
oh my god that puppy. i literally was sitting there going awwww for five minutes awww so cute <3
i really hate people like that woman. sometimes i have to be physically restrained because rude people get me so mad i want to go beat them up hahah
Ugh... rude people nowadays! I just try my best ingoring them, not worth the effort or energy.
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving, lots of holiday food is the best! Haha!
aw jey bird dont let the world beat you up! you just have to realize that most people in the world are assholes and thats the way it always has been...but that dosen't mean that you have to let them affect you! Just think to yourself whenever soomeone is rude that they are only being rude to cover up some insecurity or hurt that they already feel in themselves! i love you boy i completly understand what your feeling but i just learned that they cant put you down! be strong and confident and dont let the world get you down it can be beautiful most of the time if you just believe! love you, Jenny bear
the post exchange incident you write about reminds me a tad bit of the walmart deaths on black friday. so sick.
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