By: Jey Quichocho.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Recent Finds.
I kind of wanted to explode when my sister held these red boots up to me. Thank you to whoever designed it, to whoever manufactured it, to whoever bought it, and to whoever donated it to the Goodwill. Except it pains me to say that my sister doesn't really care if she wears them or not. It's probably just something exciting for her to stumble upon as it works it's way to the back of her closet. But don't worry girls, I have plans for these bad boys. Just you wait.
A Family Affair.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Sometimes I think I'm Karlie Kloss.
...& then I wake up and realize my mind's been playing dirty tricks on me again.
I finally found a blazer my size in mint condition surprisingly at the Goodwill, complete with a dry cleaners ticket pinned to the tag from it's previous owner. I am well aware that the blazer trend has been exhausted by many stylish bloggers alike, though Wendy from Hand It Over prompted me to continue the hunt because she just wears them so well. Anyway with mine, the fit through the forearms is pretty tight when the sleeves are cuffed, so I feel very constricted in it. But I'm a slave to fashion so whatever.
I've actually been thrifting quite regularly within the past couple weeks. I mean, I'm only limited to the Goodwill because being in the cesspit of podunk towns, there is no such thing as variety. During my trip to San Antonio last weekend, my mom tickled my fancy and took my siblings and I to our old town's Goodwill where I found the blazer, while my mom found some pants and a pair of shoes, and my sister, a blazer for herself. Then after lunch on my birthday, my mom took me to another Goodwill in the next town over. What I love about thrift stores, especially the Goodwill, is that you find different things at every store location, unlike brand stores where their merchandise is the same at every location. Here I found two oversized cardigans, a pair of shoes while my sister found some KILLER and I mean KILLER red boots very reminiscent of Rumi's Chloe stompers, plus her Halloween costume. I photographed them tonight actually, but I'll save em for a later post.
Well this entry is becoming a novel with every proceeding word, so I shall now retire to my pillows.
Monday, October 27, 2008
The Twist.
The Birthday Dinner.
[My Everythings.]
[My Hero.]
Friday, October 24, 2008
San Antone.

This was one of four aisles overwhelmingly stocked with sunglasses at our old town's flea market. I was anticipating my reaction if I found some MMM knockoff mask sunglasses, but it didn't happen.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Grandpa sweaters.
I know this outfit doesn't do my sweater any justice, but my wardrobe is VERY limited due to airline weight limitations. HA! That's no reason for looking tore up. Anyway, if you didn't read my last post, I scored this sweater at the Goodwill a couple of days ago. It probably looks better on my sister with some black tights and heels, but she's over my impromptu photoshoots.
& I really appreciate all of you stopping by CitrusCoffee.
ya'll da bitnesssss!
Monday, October 20, 2008
I've already been to the mall + Drama at the Goodwill.
I took my sister to an interview she had at the mall today, and I secretly HATE going to malls for very complicated reasons. I tried to type it just now, but I am unable to put into words how uncomfortable I feel every time I am in a mall. There's just like a mirage of plasticity by which I am enveloped even as I start to approach the entrance, with sales associates bombarding you the moment you set foot in their store, all for the hustle of a sale or an accumulation of commission. A simple greeting would suffice, but noooooooo. I feel accosted within every consumer/merchandiser interaction. I mean, I understand people have to work especially now in the midst of a recession, but damn. Jump off my goods sonn!

I found the mustard shirt which is a size 3XL but looks excellent with a skinny belt cinched below the bust. My sister found the magenta turtle-neck dress which was also quite large for her, but I convinced her we could take it in since the waist was elastic. The print skirt she held up to me as a joke, and I immediately fell in love and told her to try it on. Go figure, she ended LOVING it claiming it her favorite piece at the register after trying it on. The teal skirt is also a beauty with it's pleats. Both skirts would be worn as dresses.

Now I just hope we make an effort to alter these pieces because my sister has a tendency to leave things unworn, useless in her closet. Oh, funny story: as my sister was trying on her clothes, I was right outside her door trying on my finds which I probably looked crazy doing. Anyway, I had about six pieces hanging on a rack to my right and I would have to take a step to the right in order to be in front of the mirror. So as I was trying on my fourth piece, some random older lady walks up directly in front of the rack and grabs a navy uniform top which, by the way, I had intentions of trying on. She looks at it for like three seconds and strolls along. I didn't want to throw down in the Goodwill, not that I would have anyway, but homegirl took my top! And what upsets me the most is that she told one of the workers she was going to wear it for Halloween, and I had some serious plans to wear that as part of a regular outfit. UGHHH. I bet on anything that after Halloween, she'll donate it back to the Goodwill, and I will be reunited with my what-was-meant-to-be.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Check Yourself.

Dinner with my mommas and my sister tonight at the most authentic Italian restaurant in Central TX: Olive Garden. As we were being seated, I passed a waiter who looked me straight up and down like I was some alien. Which is fine because he's probably never seen anyone this damn gorgeous in his life. Haha nahh but as I passed him and caught him glaring at me, I voiced very loudly to him "Lovess it, right?" Ugh, douche.
My siblangs lumberjacking it.

Friday, October 17, 2008
Eggplant & Multicolor Plaid.

Sorry if this is similar to my previous posts' outfit; I promise I rotate my wardrobe in even intervals, and I took that picture about a month ago anyway. Haha! My sister WERRKING it in the last picture.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Get Sillay.
Edit: To all you heartbreakers out there, I hope our paths never cross. =[
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Project Runway crowns a Queen.
>>What did ya'll think of the outcome?
Monday, October 13, 2008
Fall plans.

I woke up this morning to a somber and desolate neighborhood, PERFECT for taking pictures. It is tricky, however, to conduct a photo sesh without a photographer, but I still decided to hoist my camera onto a wooden gate and let 10-second timers do the work. The pictures were horrid, so I dragged my sister unwillingly outside to play photographer yet again before sunset. I usually never mention the composition of my outfits, but I found this comfortable flannel shirt in addition to a red-and-black one at WalMart, both for $5.00 ea. Lovesss. Oh, and please excuse the puffiness of my face; I got cellulite injections that morning. Please notice my sarcasm.