The eighth one is my favorite because I look like I'm missing a chromosome. Okay, so that wasn't very nice. I'm sorry. But I really wanted to show the necklace I was wearing. Anyway, since my sister has retired posing as my 'muse', I had a Naomi Campbell moment and decided that I would be her successor. Mwahahaha. God I'm so lame.
& thanks to all three and a half of you who actually read this. I really do appreciate your comments =]] Oh and Chelsea Handler is the reason for my bladder problems.
you have the cutest style. the bow tie is the cherry on the cake. love it
u r welcome
I find Chelsea funnier in her books than her show
I LOVE your boots
It's nice to see a guy here!
i really do want those boots in the girl version...they'd be perfect with a floral dress and opaque tights!
are those real boots you use for training? haha i've been trying to get my boyfriend to wear his out. great style! love the bowtie
You look neat. I love the bow tie :D
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